Friday, 2 November 2012


Symphonic Black Metal

Dev - Vocals
Urubani - Guitars
Skadi - Guitars
Freya - Bass

Session Members

Asta - Keyboard
Levon - Drums

Let’s start with the basic facts. Could you give us a little insight into the history of DIVAHAR.

I had the idea of forming a band long before DIVAHAR, but back then it seemed to be an unrealistic dream ... Back in 2008 when I had started playing guitar and already had some music composed, Urubani joined me and we started to work together on some songs which eventually grew to be the first DIVAHAR tracks. The outline of the band became more stable in 2009 when Skadi (guitars) joined the band. Soon after we chose the name DIVAHAR. The lineup of the band was completed with the affiliation of Freya (bass) in 2010.

Can you please explain the meaning of the name DIVAHAR to us. 

"Divahar" is originally an Armenian word. Most commonly it is translated as “possessed” or “possessed by a demon”. It also contains the meaning of the word “divine". The Armenian word for Demon is Dev or Diva. It has the same root and reflects the same idea as the word "divine". The roots of both are in the Indo-European language family. So what DivahaR actually means is "To be possessed by divinity".

How and when did you start to get into Metal?

Having discovered metal very long ago I am still a sincere fan of it. I remember that in the early days it was really hard to find metal CDs around here and basically anything related to metal. SLAYER and particularly Thrash Metal played an important role in my introduction to the metal world. Furthermore I was also largely influenced by such bands as Morbid Angel, Burzum, Dark Funeral, Bathory, Satyricon, Mayhem, etc.

After listening to your live videos on Youtube I think that you’re sounding very Norwegian. I hear a lot of Dimmu Borgir in your sound. Do you agree? You even covered „Towards the Pantheon“ by Emperor. What are your thoughts on Norwegian Black Metal? How did you get in touch with Norwegian Black Metal and what’s the fascination of this kind of music for you?

It was quiet predictable that we would sound Norwegian. Because to us the genre Black Metal first of all are the Scandinavian and particularly the Norwegian style of black metal. And it’s not surprising that DivahaR’s music was influenced by such bands as Burzum, Emperor, Limbonic Art, Dimmu Borgir, Immortal, Satyricon….

And like the Norwegian bands you mentioned, you are also using pseudonyms and corpse paint when you go on stage. Is it just an image or do you want to give something else to the audience?

You can see DivahaR on stage both with and without corpse paint as we don’t have this kind of stereotypes. What about our pseudonyms, I think they help to distinguish and highlight the individuality of the band as well as to reflect the personality of each musician.

But why are you using pseudonyms from the ancient norse mythology? How does that go together with the Armenian word DIVAHAR?

In fact, some of the band members didn't take names from the Armenian mythology as pseudonyms due to the fact that almost all of these names are and were always widely used as ordinary female names in Armenia. For example some members of the band too bear names of Armenian goddesses. The only bad thing about this kind of popularity of mythological names is that they have lost their original identity and the merits they initially had, by being overused in the day-by-day life.

And what about the Nordic names?

Well, from our very childhoods we were deeply interested in and inspired by the legends, mythology and the folklore of our and other nations. We just had learn more about different peoples, their ideologies and the values they held high. And eventually we have taken on the names of characters that in many points stand closer to our personality and better reflect our own individuality, which by chance were from Norse mythology.

I’m quite sure people ask you this all the time, but what about the All-Girl-thing? Was it your decision or did it just happen?

Still in 2009 Urubani and I started to work together with some female keyboarders planning to create the band. In these early days the project consisted of three female members. As the working process with this line-up was quiet interesting and productive, the idea of having only female members was born.

Are there many girls listening to metal in Armenia?

The metal scene is very small in Armenia, but the gender apportion is almost the same as in the international metal scene. Of course, there are female metalheads, but the proportion of male fans is quite higher.

I understand Armenian society can be pretty conservative, especially outside the big cities. How does society react to you, being women and playing this extreme music? Did you ever get in trouble?

Yes, sure it’s hard, but I guess we’ve gained a kind of immunity during these years and we got used to the fact that many people don’t understand the real essence of our scope. Sadly we are facing this every day and each of us can change something only by struggling and fighting against this non-acceptable reality, but never by escaping from it.

Right on! Armenia is the oldest Christian country in the world. What is your view on Christianity and the church in Armenia?

It’s definitely not religion which makes us love and be proud of Armenia. What inspires us about our fatherland is it’s glorious past. It's that our roots are going back deep into time, and various values which sadly are unknown to the world.
In fact, DivahaR doesn’t follow any religious view as upon our comprehension the religion always was and remains a violent, rude form of control over humanity and nothing more.

So your lyrics aren't religious or satanic either?

DivahaR’s lyrics comprise emotional and psychological aspects, sometimes even combined with psychedelic and allegoric elements. They are about the spirit and force of Nature, the Truth, the prospect of Light and the eternal struggle…

Can you tell us a little bit about the current state of DIVAHAR. As far as I know, you haven’t released an album yet. Did you record anything so far? Are you planning to release an album? Are you looking for a label?

We are still looking for a label as so far we haven't found a convenient option yet, judging from the proposals made by various labels. It’s almost been a year since we started to do our first album, but every time some external factors, like problems concerning the recording studio or people we cooperate with to realize the record, impede our plans. As a result the record still remains unfinished. But lately once again we have started the album recording process and we’re doing our best to realize our first album in the near future.

Sounds good! What was the greatest moment of your life as a musician with DIVAHAR so far?

The most impressive moment I had as a Divahar musician was when I perceived that Divahar really inspired some people to feel and to be more powerful, to struggle for their beliefs and to go on searching for a light

What are your five favourite Black Metal albums?

1. Burzum - Filosofem
2. Dark Funeral – Diabolis Interium
3. Limbonic Art – Moon in the Scorpio
4. Emperor – Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk
5. Mayhem – De Mysteriis dom Sathanas

Good choice! Thanks for the interview!